Research & Professional Experience
Post-Graduate Clinical Program on Psychotherapy Practice, 2002-04
The Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C.
90 hours of individual supervision of individual and group short and long-term dynamic therapy
Weekly 5-hour seminars, and case-presentations about theory-based reading and individual, group, couples' and family therapy cases during the academic year
PhD in Psychology
The American University
Washington, D.C.
M.A. in Psychology
The American University
Washington, D.C.
B.A. in Psychology with High Honors
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT
Professional Affiliations
Academy for Eating Disorders
American Psychological Association
Binge Eating Disorder Association
Maryland Psychological Association
National Eating Disorders Association
Bastiani, A.M., Altemus, M., Pigott, T.A., Rubenstein, C.S., Weltzin, T.E., & Kaye, W.H. (1996). Comparison of obsessions and compulsions in patients with anorexia nervosa and obsessive- compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 39, 966-969.
Martin, A., Wiggs, C.L,, Altemus,M., Rubenstein, C.S., & Murphy, D.L. (1995). Working memory as assessed by subject-ordered tasks in patients with OCD. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 17: 786-792.
Pigott, T.A., Altemus, M., Rubenstein, C.S., Hill, J.L., Bihari, K., L'Heureux, F., Bernstein, S., & Murphy, D. (1991). Eating disorder symptoms in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148: 1552-1557.
Pigott, T.A., Grady, T., & Rubenstein, C. (1993). Obsessive-compulsive disorder. In Saltzman (Ed.), Current Psychiatry Review. Philadelphia: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Pigott, T.A., Grady, T., & Rubenstein, C. (1993). Obsessive-compulsive disorder and trichotillomania. In D.L.Dunner (Ed), Current Psychiatric Therapy. Philadelphia: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Pigott, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Rubenstein, C.S., Bernstein, S.E., Hill, J.L., and Murphy, D.L. (1992). A double-blind placebo controlled study of trazodone in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 12: 70-71.
Pigott, T.A., Hill, J.L., Grady, T.A., L'Heureux, F. & Murphy, D.L. (1993). A comparison of the behavioral effects of oral vs. intravenous m-CPP administration in OCD patients and a study of the effect of metergoline prior to iv m-CPP. Biological Psychiatry, 33: 3-14.
Rubenstein, C.S. (2009). Bringing Baby Home. Nesting. Annapolis, MD.
Rubenstein, C.S. (2009). Postpartum Depression: More than just the baby blues. Nesting. Annapolis, MD.
Rubenstein, C.S. (1998). A multiple-baseline controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for trichotillomania. Dissertation Abstracts International and University Microfilms, Inc., The American University, Washington, D.C.
Committee Chair: James J. Gray, PhD
Committee Members:
Dianne L. Chambless, PhD
Michelle Carter, PhD
Charles F. Mansuetto, PhD
Rubenstein, C.S. (1991) Memory and confidence in memory in subclinical obsessive-compulsive checkers. (Master's Thesis), The American University, Washington, D.C.
Committee Chair: Zehra F. Peynircioglu, PhD
Committee Members:
Dianne L. Chambless, PhD
Teresa A. Pigott, M.D.
Rubenstein, C.S., Altemus, M.A., Pigott, T.A., Hess, A.M., & Murphy, D.L. (1995). Symptom overlap between OCD and bulimia nervosa. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 9: 1-9.
Rubenstein, C.S., Peynircioglu, Z., Chambless, D.L., & Pigott, T.A. (1993). Memory and confidence in memory in subclinical obsessive-compulsive checkers. Behavior Research and Therapy, 31: 759-765.
Rubenstein, C.S., Pigott, T.A., Altemus, M.A., L'Heureux, F., Gray, J.J. (1993). High rates of co morbid OCD in patients with bulimia nervosa. Eating Disorders, 1: 147-155.
Rubenstein, C.S., Pigott, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Hill, J., & Murphy, D.L. (1992). A preliminary investigation of the lifetime prevalence of the eating disorders in patients suffering from obsessive- compulsive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 53: 309-314.
Greenberg, B.D., Hoehn-Saric, R., George, M.S., Rubenstein, C.S, Keuler, D., Altemus, M.A., & Murphy, D.L. (1994, May). Symptom Activation and r-CBF in OCD. Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Pigott, T.A., Grady, T.A., Bernstein, S.E., L'Heureux, F., Hill, J.L., Rubenstein, C.S. & Murphy, D.L. (1992, April 29-May 3). Comparison of oral and IV-mCPP in patients with OCD. Society Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Pigott, T.A., Grady, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Bernstein, S.E., Dubbert, B., & Rubenstein, C.S. (1992,May). Amphetamine and amphetamine/metergoline challenge in patients with OCD and controls. Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropharmacology.
Pigott, T.A., Grady, T.A., Rubenstein, C.S., L'Heureux, F., Altemus, M, Bihari, K., & Murphy, D.L. (1991, November). OCD and Eating Disorders: A comparison of symptom overlap. The Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, New York City, NY.
Pigott, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Rubenstein, C.S., Hill, J.L., & Murphy, D. (1992, May). Controlled trial of clonazepam augmentation in OCD patients treated with clomipramine or fluoxetine. Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, D.C.
Pigott, T.A., Rubenstein, C.S., Altemus, M.A., Bernstein, S., L'Heureux, F., Dubbert, B., & Murphy, D.L. (1992, April). OCD symptoms, bulimia, and serotonin dysregulation. Fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York City, NY.
Rubenstein, C.S. (1996, April). Practitioners’ handling of ethical issues in the treatment of eating disorders. New York. Ninth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York City, NY.
Rubenstein, C.S., Altemus, M.A., Pigott, T.A., Hill, J., Hess, A., & Murphy, D.L. (1993, April). Obsessionality and depression in bulimia nervosa: Response to behavioral treatment. Eastern Psychological Association 64th Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Rubenstein, C.S. & Penaloza, J. (2010, October). Relationships shape the brain: Drawing on the work of Dr. Daniel Siegel in Psychotherapy: a 3 hour symposium. Annual Meeting of the Maryland Psychological Association. Annapolis, MD.
Rubenstein, C.S., Peynircioglu, Z, Chambless, D., & Pigott, T.A. (1989, November). Memory and confidence in memory in subclinical obsessive-compulsive checkers. Annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.
Rubenstein, C.S., Pigott, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Altemus, M., Chambless, D., Gray, J., & Murphy, D.L. (1993, March). Elevated prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients suffering from bulimia nervosa. Annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Charleston, South Carolina.
Rubenstein, C.S., Pigott, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Hill, J.L., & Murphy, D.L. (1992, April). A preliminary investigation of the lifetime prevalence of anorexia and bulimia in OCD. Fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York City, New York.
Rubenstein, C.S., Pigott, T.A., L'Heureux, F., Hill, J.L., & Murphy, D.L. (1992, May). Anorexia and bulimia nervosa in male and female patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A preliminary investigation of lifetime prevalences. Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, D.C.
Rubenstein, C.S, Pigott, T.A., & Murphy, D.L. (1996, April). Bulimics (BN) with and without comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Objective and self-ratings of eating disorder symptoms, depression, anxiety, and other measures. Eighth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York City, NY.
Sheffler, C. & Brody, N. (1989, March). Subliminal influences on dyadic interaction. Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Stephenson, S.A., Richmond., D.A. Runyon, D. & Sheffler, C. (1989, November). ADHD and obesity in children. Twenty-third Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.